
A beautiful set of teeth can completely change your life. When you’ve got missing or severely damaged teeth, chewing becomes difficult and speaking patterns change. These problems completely disappear with dentures.

Dentures have become the time-tested option for patients hoping to replace teeth, giving you several great benefits.

  • Protection for exposed gums.
  • Increase in the functionality of your mouth.
  • Confidence in and comfort with your smile.

Dentures can restore the function of your mouth.

Advanced Denture Options

Simply put, dentures are replacement teeth. They fit on top of the gums, and can be crafted into either partial or full sets. Everything depends on what you need. 

Here at Southill, we have a number of options for your dentures. 

Traditional Dentures: These are an appliance that fits atop the gums or fastens to remaining healthy teeth.

Custom Dentures: Each arch and tooth in this set is one-of-a-kind, made specifically to optimize your smile.

Implant-Supported Dentures: These dentures are anchored to dental implants, just like many procedures for replacing individual teeth. They offer the best security and comfort available. We may even be able to offer you a full set of replacement teeth that are supported by a handful of implants.

These options are just a few of the ways that dentures can restore your smile. We can help you decide what option will work for you.

Do I Qualify for Dentures?

Candidacy for dentures depends on several factors. You may be a candidate if you answer, “Yes,” to any of these questions:

  • Are you missing several or the majority of your teeth?
  • Have you experienced severe dental decay or damage?
  • Do you lack sufficient bone volume for a dental implant placement?
  • Have you noticed receding gums due to gum disease or aging?

You may be a great candidate for our beautiful and affordable dentures. The best way to find out what treatments are right for you is to come in for a consultation.

Call Today!

We look forward to hearing from you at Southill Dental Group! To schedule your appointment, give us a call today.